Project Wonder Update.

This week in Project Wonder we made our own version of an ancient civilization map. The name of my ancient civilization is EagleVille. The reason I named it EagleVille is because I drew a random shape and it looked like an Eagle.

Also, I am starting to help the other students in my class with their projects and if you would like to learn more about their projects and what I am helping them with you can look at the other students updates who have told you about their projects that are in Project Wonder.

Here is EagleVille.

My first update!

A project that I am working on is a frisbee I made a piece of firm wood that was shaped into a circle then I took a clear sheet of blue wrapping paper and taped it down then I took it outside and tested it which then it actually worked here is a picture of it.


I also made a flag for my civilization. We’re learning about ancient civilizations and creating a utopia based on what we learn. Maybe I’ll post a picture of the flag next time!